Description: Total 4 sets of question papers

( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Discuss the structure of Human eye.
(b) What is meant by a digital image? Explain how digital images can be repre-
sented. [6+10]
2. (a) Explain the terms Adjacency, Connectivity, and Boundaries in the aspect of
digital images.
(b) Discuss about Hotelling transform. [8+8]
3. Explain clearly, about Fourier transform and how it is helpful in image processing.
4. (a) What is meant by image enhancement by point processing? Discuss any two
methods in it.
(b) What is meant by Histogram of an image? Explain about Histogram specifi-
cation? [8+8]
5. (a) Discuss about Ideal low pass filters.
(b) Explain about least mean square filters. [8+8]
6. (a) Discuss about the channel encoder and decoders.
(b) Explain about Error-free compression. [8+8]
7. (a) What is image restoration? Discuss the degradation model.
(b) Discuss clearly the region oriented segmentation. [8+8]
8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Lossy compression
(b) Constrained least squares
(c) Hadamard transform [6+5+5]

( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain about Aliasing and Moire patterns.
(b) Explain the terms Adjacency, Regions and Boundaries. [8+8]
2. (a) Explain the elements of digital image processing system.
(b) Show how the fast Fourier transform can be used to compute the two dimen-
sional discrete Fourier transform efficiently. [8+8]
3. (a) Discuss about the two-dimensional Hadmard transform.
(b) Explain the role of Discrete Cosine transform in image processing. [8+8]
4. (a) What is meant by Histrogram of an image? Explain about Histrogram match-
(b) Discuss about Image subtraction and Image overaging. [8+8]
5. (a) Discuss about sharpening spatial filters.
(b) Explain a model of the image degradation/restoration process. [8+8]
6. (a) Discuss the global processing via the Hough transform.
(b) Explain the basic global thresholding. [8+8]
7. (a) Discuss about the channel encoder and decoder.
(b) Explain about lossy compression. [8+8]
8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Fidelity criteria
(b) Edge linking
(c) Colour image processing [ 5+5+6]

( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Discuss the basic concepts in image sampling and quantization.
(b) What is meant by a digital image? Explain how digital images can be repre-
sented? [8+8]
2. (a) What is a Gray level image? Discuss about spatial and gray- level resolution.
(b) Discuss about discrete cosine transform. [8+8]
3. (a) Distinguish between discrete Fourier transforms and Fast Fourier transforms.
(b) Discuss about Hotelling transform, and its role in image processing. [8+8]
4. What is meanty by Histogram of an image. Write and explain with an example an
algorithm for histogram equalization. [16]
5. (a) What is an image filter? Discuss about ideal High pass filters.
(b) Explain about constrained least squares restoration. [8+8]
6. (a) Explain clearly the basic adaptive thresholding.
(b) Discuss cleary about region splitting and merging. [8+8]
7. (a) Explain the Fidelity criteria.
(b) Discuss various image compression models. [6+10]
8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Lossy compression
(b) Boundary extraction
(c) Imaging geometry [8+8]

( Common to Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electronics &
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Distinguish between digital image and binary image.
(b) Discuss about image formation in the eye. [6+10]
2. (a) State and explain various methods of Image acquisition.
(b) Discuss the Hadamard transforms in detail. [8+8]
3. Discuss about the two-dimentional discrete Fourier transform and its inverse. Ex-
plain clearly how it is useful in image processing. [16]
4. (a) Discuss about Image negative and Log transformations.
(b) What is meant by the Gradient and the Laplacian? Discuss their role in image
enhancement. [6+10]
5. (a) Discuss about colour image processing
(b) Discuss about Least Mean Square filters. [8+8]
6. What is meant by discontinuities in a image. State and explain various methods
involved in it. [16]
7. (a) Discuss about Error free encoding.
(b) Discuss about source encoder and decoder. [8+8]
8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Error-free compression
(b) Edge linking
(c) Imaging geometry. [5+6+5]


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